Generic IIS URL Rewrite Rules – Three common scenarios

Generic IIS URL Rewrite Rules – Three common scenarios

Download & install rewrite module The first hurdle in achieving this is that you don’t want to use the Redirect IIS module, but the Rewrite one which has to be downloaded separately. You can download it from here, but I script my server bootstrapping so preferred to use PowerShell for this. See below for an example on how to programmatically […]

Papertrail log searching with Powershell

Papertrail log searching with Powershell

Papertrail is a great free* cloud based distributed log management system. If you aren’t currently using one for your application, I highly recommend it. The benefits it gives you far outway the relatively simple process of setting it up. And compared to tools like Splunk, it’s considerably cheaper. However, sometimes clients can have unusual requests and require you to go […]

Backend For Frontend: Two techniques and one to avoid

Backend For Frontend: Two techniques and one to avoid

When developing a new frontend application for mobile or web, you will often find yourself needing to add a backend to support your development needs. Reasons for this could be that the Domain APIs that your client side application needs to communicate with are not publicly accessible (i.e. in an internal VPC) or you need to handle session management and […]

Dropwizard Kotlin in a Docker container

Dropwizard Kotlin in a Docker container

Docker is a fantastic way to run micro-services like Dropwizard in a cloud environment. Because the service should be stateless, you can spin up multiple instances of them easily, allowing increased resilience (if one instance becomes unresponsive), simplified no outage deployments (can easily spin up new versions of the software) and much more. Docker also runs instance in their own […]